Little Bali welcomes all students and bodies, the beginner ones, the advanced ones, the curious ones and the occasional ones. Whereas you want to discover or deepen your practice, benefit from coaching, take a deep breath, disconnect for a while or simply be inspired, you will always be welcome at the studio. Always.
Classes are given in French and in English for the comfort of our members. Little Bali is open 7 days a week, and doors open 30min before classes.
Little Bali has separate male and female changing rooms with showers and shower gel at your disposal. You will also have lockers (each of them with a unique key set) to leave your personal belongings in a safe place during your practice.
Yoga mats are at your disposal in each studio. They are cleaned after each class with organic disinfectant. You will also find in the studio blankets, bolsters, belts, and corks bricks.
Community makes the whole magic. And we want to take care of you. That’s why you’ll always be welcome to stay, chill, or work in our communal space. Have a cup of tea or coffee (or both) and feel just like home. All beverages are available for free. Yes, that’s right.

Eat your breakfast / lunch / dinner after the practice, or at very least 1 hour (ideally 2) before the practice. However, if you haven’t eaten anything, you will need a light snack to power up before the practice – Just keep it light and healthy.
Leave your shoes at the entrance. There are cultural, practical and spiritual reasons for this rule. First, removing shoes is a sign of respect. Furthermore, yoga is practiced on the floor, and tracking in dirt makes the studio unclean. And, finally, it’s simply easier to ground yourself if your feet are making direct contact with the floor.
Leave your cell phone outside the room. This is so you can fully disconnect and others won’t be disturbed.
Arrive early (Especially if it’s your first class) This allows time to find a space, unroll your mat, collect your props (any blankets, bolsters, blocks or straps you need to modify poses) and gives you an opportunity to get into the right mind-set.
Plan to stay for the whole class. If you must leave early, let the teacher know, and do it before savasana, the period of final relaxation at the end of class.
Try not to step on anyone’s mat, whether coming into the class or leaving the room once it has ended.
Bring a towel (a small one for yourself, another one for your mat). You can use a towel for more than wiping sweat — it can serve as a prop to keep your head level during savasana or as a clean layer over a communal yoga mat.
Bring water, listen to your body and drink if you need so. Just know that traditionally in yoga you’re not supposed to drink water during the practice. In Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine, yoga helps the body build the digestive fire necessary to break down food; to drink in the middle of practice quenches that fire.
Avoid perfume or scented lotion. These can be distracting for fellow students (regardless of how amazing you perfume can smell like).
Wear clothing appropriate for the class. You want something comfortable that you can move in that isn’t prone to a wardrobe malfunction or to bunching up and getting in your way: think stretchy, breathable fabrics.
Let the instructor know about any physical issues and preferences. If you have a problem such as a bad back or a frozen shoulder, or if you prefer not to receive any hands-on assists, let the instructor know before class.
Clean up after class. Wipe down any borrowed mats after practice and put props away where they belong.
Be compassionate and don’t judge. Yourself and others. The yoga practice often helps us to release pain and discomfort in the body, mind or spirit. The body might release these toxins and emotions in many different ways in many different forms, including passing gas or crying. Try not to react. It always goes back to having the yoga space being that safe inclusive comfortable space for whatever comes up and for whatever’s needed.
Which leads us to one of the most important rules of yoga etiquette:
Be respectful. Towards yourself, the class and the instructor,
Don’t push when your body is telling you to stop. Remain focused on your own practice. Keep an open-minded on different approaches and discoveries. Be positive and speak openly about any question or doubt you may have. We are here to navigate through this journey together, believe us when we say that we are with you, fully.